Virtual reality (VR) for companies: How VR goggles can give you a competitive edge

VR für Unternehmen

In today’s digital era, technology is becoming increasingly sophisticated and has also found its way into the business world. One such technology that is proving to be extremely promising for companies is virtual reality (VR). VR goggles offer an immersive experience that allows users to immerse themselves in a virtual world. But how can companies benefit from this technology and gain a competitive advantage?

The versatile fields of application of VR

Training and employee development

Virtual reality glasses can be beneficial for companies in the area of employee training. Companies can use VR technology to offer realistic training and further education without the need for physical resources. Employees have the opportunity to practise and learn how to react in difficult situations by acting out various scenarios in a safe environment. This enables them to improve their skills and be better prepared for real-life challenges. In addition, companies can conduct training in virtual environments that would be difficult to access or too expensive to experience in reality. This helps companies save time and money while still providing their employees with high-quality training.

Product development and design

VR can also have a significant impact in the area of design and development. By using VR, designers and developers can visualize and improve their ideas in a three-dimensional environment. This enables them to receive feedback at an early stage and adapt their products or services accordingly. Companies can also create virtual prototypes to test products before they go into production. This helps to detect errors at an early stage and reduce costs.

Marketing and presentations

One area in which VR glasses can help companies is marketing. By using VR, companies can offer their customers a unique experience. Imagine you could try out a product in a virtual environment before you actually buy it. VR enables customers to test products or services in a realistic environment, which can influence their purchasing decision. Companies can also create virtual showrooms where customers can explore the products without being physically present. This enables companies to expand their reach and address customers all over the world.

Virtual conferences and meetings

In today’s world of remote working, virtual conferences and meetings have become an indispensable part of everyday business life. Companies are increasingly reliant on efficient communication and collaboration to connect their teams, customers and business partners worldwide.

VR opens up completely new dimensions for this type of collaboration. With VR glasses, participants from different parts of the world can come together in a virtual environment as if they were physically in one place. This immersive experience makes it possible to make conversations and meetings closer to reality than ever before.

The advantages of renting VR for companies

Reduction of acquisition costs

In the past, the purchase of VR equipment was associated with a considerable financial outlay. VR goggles, computer power supplies and accessories can be very expensive. Rental solutions for VR glasses offer companies the opportunity to avoid high acquisition costs. Instead of investing capital in the purchase of equipment, companies have the option of renting the same equipment and accessories at a lower cost. In this way, financial resources can be reallocated to other business priorities.

Flexibility in budgeting

The rental of VR glasses offers companies great financial flexibility. Rental solutions are billed on the basis of the rental period, so that companies can manage their expenses precisely and adapt them to their needs. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for companies that experience seasonal fluctuations in demand or have short-term project requirements. It enables more efficient and accurate budgeting without unnecessary expenditure.

Immediate availability of VR equipment

By renting VR glasses, companies have immediate access to the necessary equipment. There are no lengthy procurement processes, waiting times or delays. As soon as the rental agreement has been concluded, companies can immediately integrate the VR equipment into their projects and business processes. This speeds up the entire implementation process considerably.

Access to the latest VR technology

With get-IT-easy you have the opportunity to rent the latest VR glasses including VR accessories and benefit from the latest technology. Rent a TV to follow the action in virtual reality.

Technology is constantly evolving, especially in the world of VR. New functions, improved performance and increased efficiency are crucial to remaining competitive. By renting VR glasses from get-IT-easy, companies gain access to the latest and most powerful VR technology without having to invest in expensive upgrades. This allows companies to stay at the cutting edge of technology without the financial burden of buying and maintaining new equipment.


Virtual reality offers companies numerous opportunities to set themselves apart from the competition and gain a competitive advantage. Whether in marketing, employee training or in the field of design and development, VR glasses enable companies to find innovative solutions and increase their efficiency. Companies that adapt this technology early on will be able to offer their customers a unique experience and train their employees better. The future belongs to virtual reality, and companies should seize this opportunity to gain a competitive advantage.

In addition, get-IT-easy offers companies the opportunity to rent VR glasses and thus save costs. Thanks to the flexible rental option, companies can use the latest VR technology without high acquisition costs. This enables them to enter virtual reality quickly and easily and benefit from the advantages of this technology.