Rental conditions of get-IT-easy e.K.

The rental shall be exclusively subject to these terms and conditions, which are also accepted by the lessee and the lessor for all future rentals within the scope of their business relationship. These Rental Terms and Conditions apply to all rental products of the lessor.

§ 1 Scope and general information

  1. Subject to individual agreements and arrangements which take precedence over these GTC, the following General Terms and Conditions in the version valid at the time of the order shall apply exclusively to the business relationship between the supplier and the customer. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer shall expressly not apply unless the supplier expressly agrees to their validity.
  2. Customers within the meaning of these GTC are both consumers and entrepreneurs. A consumer is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for a purpose that cannot be attributed to his or her commercial or independent professional activity. An entrepreneur is any natural or legal person or partnership with legal capacity who, when concluding the contract, acts in the exercise of his commercial or independent professional activity.

§ 2 Provider, Contractual Partner, Conclusion of Contract

  1. Your provider and contract partner is:
    get-IT-easy e.K.
    Alte Reichsstr. 33
    97346 Iphofen
  2. The order confirmation of the lessor is decisive for the conclusion and content of the contract. Offers are subject to change.
  3. By means of a rental request, the customer is requested to make a selection of equipment, order any accessories, specify the rental period and determine the method of dispatch by providing his contact details. This can happen via the order form integrated in the provider’s online shop, in writing, by telephone, by fax or by e-mail. The customer receives an e-mail with a list of the rental object and rental fee. If the lessee agrees to the conditions, he confirms the order
  4. After the conclusion of the contract, the text of the contract is stored by the provider.
  5. If no copies of the product selected by the customer are available at the time of the customer’s order, the supplier shall inform the customer of this in the order confirmation. If the product is permanently not available, the supplier shall refrain from issuing a declaration of acceptance. A contract is not concluded in this case. If the product designated by the customer in the order is only temporarily unavailable, the supplier shall also inform the customer of this immediately in the order confirmation. In this case, the provider as well as the customer is entitled to withdraw from the contract. In this case, he will immediately refund any payments already made by the customer.

§ 3 Rental period

The rental period (first rental day) shall commence on the day on which the unit is collected by the lessee in the case of self-collectors or on the day of arrival at the lessee´s premises in the case of dispatch; the delivery receipt from the supplier shall be deemed to be proof. The last day of hire is the day on which the lesee returns or hands over the equipment to the lessor; the Supplier’s delivery receipt shall be deemed to be proof. Should the lessee fail to provide proof of delivery within 7 days, the day on which the equipment is received by get-IT-easy e.K. shall be deemed the last day of the lease. A full rental day is always charged.

§ 4 Rent and payment terms

  1. The rental fee results from the order confirmation. The rental period commissioned by the lessee shall be invoiced by the lessor in total and in advance with the first rental day. If the rental period ordered by the lessee is longer than 4 weeks or one month, the lessor shall invoice the total rent for the periods of up to 4 weeks or up to one month in advance on the first day of the rental period.
  2. An extension of the commissioned rental period is only possible after consultation with the lessor, provided that the rental items are available. The extension of the rental period must be requested from the lessor by the lessee/user before the end of the rental period. Rental items returned late will be charged with a daily rent of 20€ per rental item. Invoices are issued at intervals of one week, four weeks or one month.
  3. The customer may make payment by bank transfer or as cash payment upon collection.
  4. The lessee declares his consent to the possible obtaining of economic information about him by the lessor.
  5. Unless otherwise agreed, the rental fees, ancillary costs, configuration costs and VAT are to be paid strictly net within 8 days of the invoice date. The date of receipt of payment shall be decisive.
  6. If the lessee is in default of payment after a reminder has been served, the lessor is entitled to demand the immediate return of the device or to take it back at the lessee´s expense. The lessor reserves the right to charge interest on arrears at a rate of 5% above the base rate. Furthermore, the lessor is entitled to instruct a collection organisation to collect the payment.
  7. If the lessee cancels the rental agreement – for whatever reason – the lessor reserves the right to charge cancellation costs.
    Period Cost share of the net amount
    Up to one week before the start of the rental period 50 %
    Less than one week before the start of the rental period 100 %
  8. For orders with a total value of less than EUR 50, a processing fee of EUR 20 will be charged.

§ 5 Transport

The transport of the units takes place either

  1. by the customer after collection or before delivery of the unit to the lessor’s warehouse or
  2. at the request of the customer by dispatch by a forwarding agent commissioned by the lessor. The transport costs shall in any case be paid by the tenant.

§ 6 Transport risk

The lessee shall bear the transport risk if he has commissioned the transport. The hirer undertakes to inspect the goods immediately upon receipt and to notify the lessor in writing of any defects within 24 hours by email, as otherwise there is no insurance cover.

§ 7 Burden of risk

The return of the unit – including all accessories supplied with it – must be carried out in the original, break-proof packaging to the lessor. The original packaging is that in which the rental item was delivered to the lessee/user. An exception to this is in the event of damage to the original carton which jeopardises safe transport. In such a case, the Hirer must use equivalent replacement packaging for the return transport in order to protect the rented item from damage during transport.

§ 8 General rules of conduct

  1. The lessee undertakes to handle the hired items with care and expertise, in accordance with the operating instructions and separate instructions for use and to check immediately on receipt of the hired items whether they are in working order and comply with the order. Deviations with regard to number, type and quality from the order and the order confirmation or the delivery note must be reported to the lessor without delay. Acceptance of the rented items without objection shall be deemed confirmation that they are in perfect condition and suitable for use in accordance with the contract.
  2. In addition to the unit, packaging, operating instructions and accessories are components of the rental object and therefore the property of the lessor. Only upon the complete return of all components of the rental object did the tenant/user fulfil his contractual obligations.
  3. The lessee undertakes to treat the rental object carefully and expediently. The lessee shall only permit the use of the equipment by persons who have the necessary expertise.
  4. The lessee/user may only move the appliance to a location outside the country in which the rental agreement was concluded with prior written permission.
  5. In the event of faults, malfunctions or damage to the rented item, the lessee/user shall notify the Rental Firm without delay.
  6. Serial number stickers affixed by the lessor must NOT be removed or pasted over! In case of non-compliance, a service fee of 25€ per unit will be charged.
  7. If the lessee returns the rented goods defective, the lessor may have the defective rented goods repaired or, in the event that repair is impossible or uneconomical, demand reimbursement of costs in the amount of the replacement value of the rented goods. In addition, the tenant is liable for the loss of rental income until replacement or repair. The same applies if the customer does not return the rental object at all, even if the return has become impossible due to theft or destruction of the rental object during the rental period.

§ 9 Liability for defects

The legal provisions apply.

§ 10 Equipment insurance

If you wish to rent tablets such as iPads, Apple TVs or laptops, these are insured against theft by the rental company. In Case of an insurance,
In the event of an insured event, a deductible amounting to 50% of the current replacement costs per device. It is expressly pointed out that the insurance contract is only valid in Germany. The insurance is valid from the time the device leaves the lessor’s warehouse until the device returns there. The insurance is not liable if appliances are left unattended in an unsecured or publicly accessible place. In the event of theft, embezzlement, robbery or misappropriation by third parties or other loss of the rented property, the tenant is obliged to report this event to the police immediately and to notify the police of the loss.
prepare a detailed damage report. Failure to comply with this obligation will result in the complete loss of insurance cover.
and thus to the sole liability of the lessee. Excluded from the insurance are: TVs, smartphones, VR and AR glasses and accessories. Drones are covered separately by a drone insurance policy with liability and comprehensive cover.

§ 11 Recognition of Software Licence Rights

Software that is supplied may only be used in accordance with the known terms and conditions of the licence holder. The lessee/user warrants that any use of the software by him or his vicarious agents in breach of the contract is excluded. The lessee is aware that improper use may result in claims for damages by the licence holder in an unlimited amount. The lessee shall indemnify the lessor against all claims in this respect.

§ 12 Rights of third parties

The assertion of alleged rights to the leased property by third parties (e.g. impending seizure) must be notified to the lessor without delay. In the event of a seizure, the seizure report and, if applicable, other documents required for a third-party action must be sent to the landlord immediately.

§ 13 Final provisions

  1. German law shall apply to all contracts concluded on the basis of these rental conditions.
  2. If the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a contracting party that does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany, the place of jurisdiction shall be Würzburg.
  3. The contractual language is German.

Iphofen, 06.09.2022